
Enironmental Responsibility

“ We cannot transform the world alone, but we want to demonstrate that if a company like ours can invest the time, effort and resources necessary to make a difference, then anyone can. ”

Giving back to the environment

Radar Tyres has always strived to deliver outstanding qualitative and innovative products to our consumers. Over the last decade we have grown and with that, so has the impact of our activities in a globalised world. It is our role to proactively engage and influence all functions along our value chain towards sustainable mobility. We are aware of the impact of our operations and our products on the environment and we aim to reduce their negative effect progressively in collaboration with our external partners.

Manufactured carbon neutral

In 2012, we commissioned EY (Ernst & Young) to do an in-depth study on the impact of the production footprint of Radar, our flagship brand on the environment. EY examined and quantified the amount of greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide) produced, from procuring raw materials to manufacturing, distribution, and energy used in the company’s offices and employees’ travel. Based on the study recommendations, we undertook a number of changes to our business processes and actions geared to offset the carbon footprint, such as investing in projects ranging from reforestation to agroforestry. As a result, Radar Tyres became the first tyre brand to be manufactured carbon neutral by late 2013 and we have maintained this to date.